Delaware County
Domestic Relations Court

Delaware County
Domestic Relations Court

Delaware County
Domestic Relations Court

10447-02 10447-04 10447-03

Judge Randall D. Fuller

Judge Randall D. Fuller was elected to serve as Judge of the Common Pleas Court of Delaware County, Domestic Relations Division in 2016 and took office January 1, 2017.  Judge Fuller is the first Judge of the newly created Domestic Relations Division.

Judge Fuller has presented on behalf of the Ohio Judicial College to Ohio Domestic Relations Judges and Magistrates and assisted with training of new judges.  He has testified before the Ohio House of Representatives, Civil Justice Committee, and the Ohio Senate, Judiciary Committee, on behalf of the Ohio Judicial Conference.

Read Full Bio 

Recently Published

Recently Judge Fuller and the Court’s Family Resource Coordinator, Amy Armstrong, published an article in the Family Court Review.

The Family Court Review is the leading interdisciplinary academic and research journal for family law professionals. The journal provides comprehensive coverage of family court practice, theory, research, and legal opinion.

We are honored to have their article published in the Family Court Review. The article is about court programs and the benefits of assisting families to resolve their disputes. Please see the article link below.

Family Court Review 2024

Mission Statement

The Delaware County Domestic Relations Court strives for excellence while creating a professional legal environment where everyone is treated fairly and with respect.  The Court will create calm order with consistent and timely decisions to help families going through conflict.


117 N. Union St.
400 Level
Delaware, Ohio 43015

(740) 833-2025

(740) 833-2028



8:00 am to 5:00 pm
excluding certain holidays